Saturday, January 16, 2010


Runningtime: 1hr 33min
Genre: Comedy / with positive message
Language: English

I'm obviously too old to really appreciate Accepted. The only people who could really appreciate this movie are college students who haven't had to get a real job and start paying for things on their own. Its message of do what you want, not what the world wants you to do, falls apart when you stop to think that the only reason any of these people are able to do what they want is because someone else is paying to allow them to do that. Wow, I've certainly grown conservative in my old age, haven't I?

Justin Long, the junior member of the Vince Vaughn/Will Ferrell led Frat Pack, stars as Bartleby Gaines, a high-school senior who's slacked his way through life so far and is subsequently rejected from every college to which he applies. Since his parents are so gung-ho for him to go to college, he goes ahead and invents the South Harmon Institute of Technology (S.H.I.T.). At first it's just an acceptance letter and a website, but when his parents want to drop him off on his first day, he's forced, with the help of his friends, to use the $10,000 that his parents have given him for tuition, to lease an old building, clean it up, make it look like a college, and hire a Dean (Lewis Black). Of course, if he'd put even a quarter of that effort into getting into college, he probably could have been accepted into Harvard.

At first all seems good, he and his friends laze around the empty "college" building, but their peace is disrupted when hundreds of students show up claiming to have been accepted into the school. It seems that Bartleby's friend, who designed the site, actually made it functional. Rather than turning the new students away, Bartleby accepts their checks and decides to run the school. He builds the curriculum around whatever the students want to learn, which ends up being Slacking, Skateboarding and Bikini Watching. It's like a 21st Century version of the Freedom School from the movie Billy Jack.

The bad guys in the movie are, of course, the Frat Boys at the real college next door. You know, the idiots who will eventually go on to do something with their lives. Naturally, they're portrayed as arrogant assholes, because, if you believe Hollywood, every Frat Boy is an ass and every Sorority Girl is a slut.

Now, don't get me wrong, if you want to do your own thing in life, that's great. Go and do your own thing. However, these kids are doing their own thing with their parent's money and it's always easier to do your own thing when someone else is footing the bill. And, on top of that, Bartleby, the movie's hero, is doing his own thing by defrauding every student who attends S.H.I.T..

I can you hear you saying, dude, it's only a movie! Why worry about the philosophy behind it? Normally I wouldn't. I'd leave that for my brother Eric and his paranoid conspiracy theories. But the truth is, the movie isn't funny enough for me to ignore the message behind it. Granted, there are a few funny bits tucked in here and there, but never really more than a chuckle.

The cast is okay. Long, in his first starring role, is likable and talented, but he needs to pick better material.

Anyone still laboring under the misapprehension that the world owes them something, will probably enjoy this movie. Anyone living in the real world, probably will not.









MALAYSIA COLLECTIVE GATHERING 2010: Saturday, 13th Feb 2010 @ Cherating, Pahang

Friday, January 15, 2010


Buy as hard copy:

Expect Resistance is not one but three books, each of which may be read as a complete work unto itself. The first book, printed in standard black ink, continues the inquiry into modern life and its discontents begun in Days of War, Nights of Love. Just as that book included improved versions of texts originally published between 1996 and 1999, this book draws on CrimethInc. material from 2000 to 2004, painstakingly refined and augmented with a great deal of new content. The second book, in red ink, is a composite account, related by three narrators, of the adventures and tribulations that inevitably ensue when people pursuing their dreams enter into conflict with the world as it is.

Together these comprise a third book, an exploration of the complex relationship between ideals and reality. Expect Resistance is a field manual for a field on which all manuals are useless, a meditation on individual transformation and collective resistance in disastrous times, and a masterpiece that raises the bar for radical publishing.

PAKA ALIVE 2: Saturday 6th March 2010, Rumbia Resort, Paka, Terengganu

GAGASAN SE-MALAYA: Saturday, 23hb Jan 2010, Little Bali, Cherating

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Running Time: 91min
Genre: Drama
Language: English

A hit at festivals around the country BOMB THE SYSTEM is the first feature length film in over 20 years to focus on the subject of graffiti - the only art form that can also be considered a crime. Anthony ‘Blest’ (STORYTELLING’S Mark Webber) is one of the most talented and notorious graffiti artists in New York City. Despite the tragic loss of his older brother during a nightly ‘bombing’ foray with a graffiti crew, Anthony parties, shoplifts spray-paint and tags virgin walls with his signature ‘Blest’. He does his best to avoid run-ins with the cops and hostile rival crews, but can’t avoid pressure from his mother to attend college, and from his girlfriend to leave New York with her. As tensions rise, a physical threat from the cops causes the crew to intensify their bombing excursions, calling an all out war on the city. When the inevitable confrontation comes, a tragedy results that pushes Anthony to make a decision that has darker consequences. BOMB THE SYSTEM is an unforgettable portrait of the often missunderstood art form and culture of graffiti.


Watch Online:



SEA SHEPHERD ADVERT: feat. Transformers actress ISABEL LUCAS

Save the whales with donate to:

The story behind the video

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is proud to announce the Australian launch of our new "Save the Whales" public service announcement (PSA) featuring renowned actress Isabel Lucas.

The announcement is work of Melbourne advertising agency Starship who approached Sea Shepherd with the concept for the awareness campaign.

Starship's Managing Director Geoffrey McDonald Bowll said his team felt compelled to support Sea Shepherd's work protecting the oceans.

“Starship wanted to design, build and promote a PSA for Sea Shepherd to raise much needed funds to shut down whaling in Australia's Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary,” said Geoffrey.

“We hope that through our support and this announcement, one day Sea Shepherd will have an entire fleet of vessels defending the oceans for future generations,” he added.

Along with Geoffrey McDonald Bowll and Production Manager Matthew Peek, the team at Starship worked tirelessly to put together three storyboards, which were then put through rigorous testing to come up with a final design.

All that was then needed was the right voice to speak out for the whales.

Isabel Lucas

Sea Shepherd could not think of a more brave, passionate and dedicated activist and friend of the whales, than Isabel Lucas, also known for her role in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

Isabel has stepped up for duty for the oceans numerous times, including raising international awareness by attempting to stop annual slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan in 2007.

Despite a busy filming schedule on the set of the Wolverine Production of Red Dawn in the United States, Isabel readily made herself available to become the face of Sea Shepherd's “Save the Whales” announcement.

Isabel LucasWith the recent loss of the Ady Gil, Sea Shepherd is now back down to two vessels, the Bob Barker and the Steve Irwin, up against nine vessels of the illegal Japanese whaling fleet.

Sea Shepherd is hoping to raise the funds to even up the odds in defense of the great whales in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary.

Thank you to our volunteers

Sea Shepherd would like to thank the following compassionate and dedicated people who all volunteered their time and resources for making this project a reality:

“When you see the amazing finished product and know all the people that have been involved in this project, its humbling to know that the entire process was at no cost to the organisation from start to finish. The support Sea Shepherd receives never ceases to amaze me and its been a honour and privilege working with everyone involved in a bid to save our oceans for future generations. – Jeff Hansen”

Isabel Lucas PSA crew
Left to Right: Gillian Forbes (SSCS Australian Coordinator), Geoffrey McDonald Bowll (Managing Director, Starship),
Matthew Peek (Production Manager, Starship), Jeff Hansen, Isabel Lucas, Steve Roest,and Polly,
Stephen, Tristan from Bang Bang Studios.

Isabel Lucas PSA
SSCS CEO Steve Roest, Isabel Lucas and SSCS Australian Director Jeff Hansen


An Anthology of Primary Texts From The North American Anarchist
Black Bloc


Edited and compiled by
David Van Deusen & Xavier Massot
of The Green Mountain Anarchist Collective

Table of Contents and more info:

!!!The second edition of the Black Bloc Papers is now available as a free PDF book. We are asking people to make a donation to help cover costs including the future publication of the book in paper form. We suggest that folks donate $10. If you donate $10 or more, you'll be able to get the paper version of the book at less than half the cover price.

Download (english) 3 MB PDF:

PATINPALOOZA GIG: Monday, 15th Feb 2010, Temerloh

Monday, January 11, 2010


PROTEGE CHAPTER 1: Saturday, 30 Jan 2010, Motel Desa, Kuala Terengganu

UPDATE: GIVE AND TAKE pt.2: Sunday, 17 Jan 2010, Number 1 Cafe, KL

ELLIOTT FREE STATE: Logging Blockade (2009)

Runtime: 3min
Genre: Documentary

On the 6th of July 2009, a group of Cascadia Earth First!ers and Rising Tide members took action against the continued liquidation and destruction of Oregon’s Elliott State Forest. Using sky pods, bipods, road blockades, overturned cargo vans, lock downs and many other beautiful installations, the road to Umpcoos Ridge timber sale has been occupied, held and reclaimed for the forest, the people and future generations.
More information on their website!

Watch Online:


Do you know what we're loosing?



PLASTIK: sebarkan

Sunday, January 10, 2010


OUT OF STEP: SE ASIA TOUR 2010, 21 Feb 2010, Soundmaker Weld Quay, Penang

SHAM 69: ASIA TOUR FLYERS, coming straight to your face

Sham 69 are an English punk band that formed in Hersham in 1976. They will tour with NONAME (china) and QUICK N EASY (indonesia). By the way, corerockmoon had already released THE NONAME cd, sick and tired for malaysian. so, contact us for buying the cd. thanks!