Saturday, February 13, 2010


Runningtime: 89min
Genre: Documentary
Language: English / Spanish / Canada

Masked Zapatista comandantes captured the world media's attention in 1994 when the Mayan Indians of Chiapas came out of the jungle to reclaim the ranches and towns that had overtaken their land. Dramatic uniforms and press releases from the Ejército Zapatista de Liberaci?n Nacional (Zapatista Army of National Liberation, EZLN), embodied in the figure of Subcomandante Marcos, drew admirers from die-hard communists to French fashion magazines.

But aside from news briefs about the massacres during the last five years, the people of Chiapas were virtually ignored by most news sources. The documentary A Place Called Chiapas, by Nettie Wild, captures one facet of the struggle of the New World: the marginalization and exploitation of indigenous peoples in the Americas that continues today. Filmed during the first year of the uprising, the film offers a singular, intelligent vision of this ongoing conflict.

Through images and narrative, Wild shows the disparity between the haves (mestizo ranchers, descendents of both Indians and Spanish) and the have-nots (the Tzotzil Indians, descendents of the Mayans). One family complains of losing three of their four ranches to the Zapatistas; another family wonders when they can end their refuge in the jungle and return to their home after a paramilitary group drives them out.

These people are caught between two societies: that of the 70-year dynasty of the PRI, the ruling party of Mexico, and the philosophical revolutionaries of the Lancandon Jungle. Wild also portrays the tension felt as the peace talks stretch out; members of the Jolnixte village side with either the Zapatistas or the pro-government paramilitary group Peace and Justice, and a stand-off ensues.

After the screenings, Wild, members of the Mexico Solidarity Network (MSN), and local groups supportive of the people of Chiapas have discussed the situation with the audience. Now, the number of refugees has gone from 200 to 20,000 and there are over 20 paramilitary groups in Chiapas. Wild uses the discussions to help viewers understand the complex history of this volatile region, and through her work with the MSN and local groups (such as Seattle's Committee Against Repression and For Democracy in Mexico) gives the public avenues through which they can help the refugees.

"The Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, Mexico,
is not a political revolution,
but a human revolution;
not revolution for power,
but revolution of power;
not revolution of party,
but revolution of humanity;
not revolution of exclusion,
but revolution of inclusion;
not revolution of arms,
but revolution of spirit.
íViva Zapatista!
íYa Basta!"

--EZLN statement


A Place Called Chiapas Trailer

WSU Progressive Film Series | MySpace Video

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Friday, February 12, 2010


Runningtime: 140min
Genre: Biography / Adventure / Based on true story
Language: English

Into The Wild adalah filem tahun 2007 yang diadaptasi dari novel berdasarkan kisah nyata kehidupan perjalanan Chris McCandless. Novel tu pula dikeluarkan sekitar tahun 1995 atau 1996. Chris McCandless (Emile Hirsch) bercita-cita ke Alaska setelah tamat pengajiannya. Dia, digambarkan sebagai seorang pemuda idealis yang ‘marah’ dengan keadaan kehidupan sekeliling (dunia kapitalis). Selepas tamat pengajian, Chris memberikan seluruh tabungannya ke badan kebajikan dan dia percaya bahwa dia boleh hidup mandiri, bergantung pada alam dan hidup tanpa duit. Banyak perkara yang dilalui semasa pengembaraannya. Dan disini aku simpulkan bahawa Chris adalah seorang DIY anarkis primitive. Kisah yang perlu anda tonton dalam kehidupan ini.

After graduating from Emory University, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gave his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhiked to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters a series of characters that shape his life.



Thursday, February 11, 2010


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Runningtime: 36min
Genre: Documentari
Language: Malaysian

20 Oktober 1947 merupakan hari bersejarah dalam perjuangan berperlembagaan rakyat Malaya menuntut kemerdekaan dari penjajah British. Filem dokumentari pendek ini menceritakan pengalaman yang dilalui oleh 5 individu yang turut serta dalam perjuangan politik kiri untuk membentuk sebuah gerakan kemerdekaan rakyat di Malaya, sepuluh tahun sebelum merdeka.

October 20th, 1947 was a historical day in the Malayan people’s constitutional struggle for independence from British colonialism. This short documentary chronicles the events that culminated in the Malaya-wide ‘Hartal’ day of protest against the undemocratic Federation of Malaya Constitutional Proposals devised by the British Colonial Government and the UMNO, and the rise of the people’s democratic movement in Malaya, ten years before Malaya Merdeka.

I was late again. At times like this, I wish I can operate TB 2828 and stop relying on others to bring me around in their car. I hate waiting and this is what I’ve been doing for the past one month. Waiting. And waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting. So, I was walking faster than everyone else. I knew I missed it, I missed the opening of the Freedom Film Fest. Darn. I can’t blame out chauffeur for the day, can I? Anyways it’s not my car, so I can’t bitch. Period.

I arrived with a wide grin but my Julia-Roberts-smile is greeted with cold stares from some of the fest organisers. One of them even eye-f***ed me. I was like, whatever maaan! Shouldn’t these people be welcoming us instead of making us feel like we were so, err, unwelcomed. F*** ‘em. Still grinning widely, I went to the counter and to our surprise (duh), it was full house. What did we expect being 40 minutes late?

Fortunately, a friend Li Ying was there volunteering for the organisers and her “larger than life” smile gave me a sense of relief. I was at ease again. So, we spoke for a while and forgot the misfortune of having our seats given to others who made it on time. Having a conversation with Li Ying can be pretty daunting. Not that she is bad (she’s sweet), but it’s because she is a person you don’t want mess up your English in front of. I consider myself a bad speaker and am will get the shivers when she’s around as I found myself lost once I tried to say anything.

Okay, language problem aside, we were fortunate enough to catch one of the winning documentaries of the festival this year - “10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka” by Fahmi Reza. I found the short documentary very thought-provoking, funny, smart and cool. Very, I must add, educating as well. Oh man, the songs in 10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka are super fine! First impressions first, I was tempted into thinking mthat this short docu-film is written and directed by some old guy who has a potentially damaging grudge and hatred towards the government. But actually, Fahmi Reza is a bright young dude with extraordinary vision. Certainly not the norm in the so called pool of “useless” young generation today. Plus, he’s cute! Extra points awarded!

Through this short film, I realised that the times I spent in my secondary school history lessons were totally well spent! I have the tendency to fall asleep in my history class even before my history teacher sets foot in my the classroom. Coolness. And after watching 10 Tahun, I am actually proud to say that I got 6C for SPM History. In our history books, so many things were left out and are being hidden from the real Merdeka achieved 50 years ago. Who would have thought that people at that time, colour blind as they were, were actually against the Federal of Malaya Constitutional Proposals (FMCP)? And this led to a Hartal, to display the protest the whole nation were mutually agreed upon. Not many of us today know what the FMCP is. It could be either because you dozed off while your history teacher talked about it or because your teacher had a “meeting” and missed some of of your classes. Why didn’t we talk more about the Constitution in school? Well, I am not the right person give you a lecture about history. So, according to the leaflets that were given, here is what “10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka” is all about:

“Unknown to many, October 20th, 1947 was an important and historical day in the people’s constitutional struggle for independence from British colonialism. This documentary chronicles the events that culminated in the Malaya-wide “Hartal” day of protest (a form of non-violent protest) against the undemocratic Federation of Malaya Constitutional Proposals devised by the British Colonial Government and the UMNO. This was the rise of people’s democratic movement in Malaya, ten years before Merdeka.”

In my lame-o opinion, these unsung heroes by the names of AMCJA-PUTERA, API, GERAM and other respectable movements should be given due attention, if not more, in our history books rather than over glorifying the right wing “pejuang-pejuang kemerdekaan.” Just because they’re leftist doesn’t mean they were trying to destroy the nation for their “own interest.” They just wanted to make sure the democracy that UMNO was negotiating with the British at that time stands for all people of Malaya. Sadly, the democracy and the liberation that we have achieved were not what the people of Malaya communally agreed upon. The peoples’ constitution was rejected and thus, the people of Malaya at that time were disgraced by this rebuff.

Hartal, a word that you will not see in the history text book and never will if you don’t google it, is something that people of Malaya did just so that their voices could be heard. But, as was (and still is) the case, the peoples’ voices were often ignored. I am amazed at how brave people were back then to do such acts for the nation and the fact that they bonded together regardless of race or ethnicity. It just blew me away. They came together as a union of the people of Malaya who actually cared about their country. Today’s generation have a lot to learn.

I agree with the girl who suggested during the short discussion sessions after the screening that 10 Tahun be screened in our schools so that these unsung heroes will get what they deserve - recognition. We have no idea what the people faced in those times just so our “pejuang” today get what they get. “Merdeka!” The one night they celebrate every year with their face up in the air, watching those breathtaking fireworks in the sky after a ridiculous countdown to midnight, shouting “Merdeka!” without even knowing history itself.

Trust me, there is no chance this documentary is going to bore oblivious kids to death. The songs help. Fahmi Reza is one brilliant dude. He knows how to attract his target audience, which is youth. He uses the right songs, the right medium, the right expressions, the right mood and everything else. I know he worked hard to make this 30-minute documentary. The facts, figures, journals or memoirs of prominent figures back then and also newspaper clippings from the archives. The editing is fantastic!

If you missed the Freedom Film Fest this year, well, screw you. You just missed the most honest documentary on Malaya’s independence. Kudos to Fahmi Reza for making a history lesson less boring, less painful and cool for the first time in my life. Please log in to his website or blog at for more info and details on the documentary. I think Fahmi Reza is totally brilliant and cute =p
-by Syarifah Hadli (



Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Kami di COREROCKMOON RECS mengucapkan salam takziah kepada Joe (gitaris NEVER FOUND) sekeluarga di atas pemergian abangnya. Al-fatihah.